Are you ready to be brave

take bold action, and be who you are meant to be?


It is so scary to do things you have never done before. Your whole body may scream “HECK NO!” while your soul says “YES, PLEASE!”. When you have the tools to create a healthy relationship to your body, to fear, and to yourself; you become unstoppable.


Boldness is not the absence of fear, but the determination to act despite it. It is the essence of embracing risk with audacity. True courage shines through when you face your fears and move forward regardless.


You might believe you know what you want, but the true treasure lies in discovering who you’re meant to be. It’s time to stop playing small and let go of the limiting thoughts, beliefs, and doubts that have held you back. Embrace the journey of becoming the person you were always destined to be, and watch as your life transforms in ways you never imagined.

What a wild ride…

I once lived a life dictated by logic, adhering to a path that seemed flawless on paper. But despite my “sensible choices”, my body, mind, and spirit were slowly dying.

I was someone who avoided risk, who followed every rule, and stayed on a path meticulously planned. Yet, this approach led me into a decade-long struggle with chronic illness, burnout, and a profound sense of feeling lost. I found myself in a devastating health, life, and identity crisis.

When I made my wellness a #1 priority, everything shifted. I learned to connect to my body, listen to the wisdom within, and trust my personal power. This transformation ignited an unstoppable force within me.

I embraced every calling of my soul, taking bold leaps of faith—living as a solo female digital nomad across seven countries, publishing a well-received book, releasing music, speaking on stages all around the world, and thriving as a guide to transformation, among many other achievements.

People often ask how I muster the courage to leap into the unknown, regardless of the circumstances. With as much transparency as possible, I have been terrified at every turn. Courage is not being fearless it is about being scared and doing it anyway. The truth is, that living boldly, bravely, and unwaveringly is possible when you are deeply connected to your body, your inner wisdom, and your personal power.

Cassidy at a Glimpse

Cassidy Amber Chapman is a transformational guide to a life that is fully lived, fully loved, and built on purpose.

She is the author of the #1 new release in Holistic Medicine on Amazon, The Vibrancy Codes: A Guide to Vibrant Health and Vitality.

Cassidy is a holistic life coach, an author, an international speaker, a community builder, and a transformational artist. Her work has already reached 20+ countries.

With her fascination with the intersection of spirituality and science for transformation she has studied neuroscience and human behavior for over 8 years, even earning her degree in the field.

Cassidy is passionate about connecting millions to the modalities, communities, and immersive experiences that ignite authentic connections, holistic well-being, inner wisdom, and personal power.


See What People are Saying

Jenna| Utah, USA

Cassidy has been a supportive, uplifting inspiration since day 1. It is so refreshing to see a woman so confident and unapologetic in her power. Cassidy has held space for me through highs and lows, she is never judgemental of where I’ve been and is so intuitive about what to say or guide me to do to inspire my own inner teachings and wisdom to come forward. A lot of coaches will guide without inviting the student’s own inner wisdom to come forward. Cassidy encourages my autonomy and self-actualized self to come forward into the diver’s seat of my life. I’m so blessed to have her presence and influence in my life.

Lindsey| Florida, USA

Cassidy has helped me overcome some of my deepest subconscious beliefs that have held me back from my truest potential. I am so beyond grateful for her and her ability to hold such an open space. I felt so heard and seen when I needed someone the most. She allowed me to be my most vulnerable self resulting in exponential growth.

Francesca Emilia| Massachusettes, USA

Cassidy held an incredible 6-month long coaching container for me, and I learned so much about myself. She helped guide me beyond my surface-level thoughts and feelings to uncover and address the root causes of my challenges. Every session was aligned with exactly what I needed in the moment and I am so grateful to have had her in my corner as I level UP my life. I am so excited for my next chapter and so proud of the profound work Cassidy and I accomplished together.

Kai| Tallinn, Estonia

Even just in one conversation with Cassidy sowd the seeds of abundance mindset that I was then able to grow into a garden that is my amazing abundant life right now… it’s magic how really just a mindset shift, initiated genuinely by this magical human, has led to manifestation with ease and me becoming now the person sowing seeds in others.

Isidora Silva| Vina del Mar, Chile

I want to celebrate my one on one sessions with Cassidy. We made MAGIC. I got so much clarity I got a stage by stage on what I wanted to figure out. And on those stages I can break those down into achievable stages. I feel as great as I haven’t felt in a while. Thank you thank you thank you

Abby Frechette| Massachusetts, USA

I feel so grateful for the sessions I had with Cassidy. It was honestly one of the best experiences of my life. I released so much pent up self hatred and let out tears of joy- for finding myself again. This journey back into the heart of who I am is owed to Cassidy’s soul provoking questions, guided meditation and presence. She didn’t fill the space with noise- instead she brought her curiosity, openness, love, and grace. She is a crystal clear mirror shining the brightest light back at you. I felt so seen, heard, and loved for who I truly am during our session. Cassidy has inspired me for a long time, and the session was better than I ever could have imagined

Bria| Georgia, USA

My mindset has never changed so quickly before, and this time I feel the changes sticking. I’m more aware of my thought process than ever and manifestation is coming so much easier for me!

This is for the ones who hear the whisper and are ready to answer the call

This is for the ones who feel a stir in their soul

This is for the ones who are ready

To be brave to be bold and to be who they are meant to be

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